The Short Story

We originally met and formed in 2010 via craigslist with the intent of being a 1990's/2000's cover-band, but quickly realized how much fun it was to perform everything back to the early 70's so...after several line up changes and 14 years of experience under our belt...we've matured into a professional Classic/Modern Rock Cover Band that consistently leaves our audiences wanting more. We are constantly building our repertoire of songs so our fans have a great experience at every show. Oh, and if you're wondering where the name of the band comes from, you should watch the last 5 minutes of the 1998 cult classic movie The Big Lebowski, but that's just like my opinion man.
Gabe Leifer - Singer
Sean Flynn - Drums/Vocals
Pat Ginnelly - Lead Guitar
Michael Cassia - Rhythm Guitar
Tim Holmes - Bass Guitar